Welcome to our Marriage Enrichment page!  Whether you're a pre-married couple, just want to grow your marriage, or you're in crisis with no hope, our Marriage Enrichment Ministry is for you!  Our marriage mentors will help you identify key areas of concern using an online couple's diagnostic survey.  They will carefully help you navigate through issues derived from the survey.  The weekly sessions will last up to 10 weeks and are approximately 1.5 hours long.  Mentoring sessions usually occur in the home of the mentors.

Here's what to do:
*Please fill out an application below.  
*Please pay the mentoring fee seen on this page.  Your payment will cover the cost of the electronic workbook material and the online survey you will be required to take.  If this expense is inhibiting, scholarships are available!  Please contact marriage@freshwaterjc.com for more info.

Thanks for joining us on this very important journey!  For more information on our mentoring process, go to www.daretobedifferent.com or reach out to Luke & Sarah Sumner.