Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.
Matthew 28:19

Freshwater Missions

Freshwater missions exist to make totally committed followers of Jesus Christ from your front door to across the globe.

International Missions

National and State Missions

Local Missions

Freshwater is committed to making totally committed followers of Christ across the world. It would be a powerful testimony for Freshwater to have made disciples of all the nations. The vision for our church is to eventually have a gospel presence in all the continents of our world. What a testimony it would be of our faithfulness if there were people 100 years from now with people in multiple nations that could trace their encounter with the gospel back to the ministry of Freshwater Church in Jefferson City, MO. We are currently taking 2 teams per year to Chiriqui, Panama and partnering with Strong Tower Haiti.
God is at work all over our state and nation. We want to participate in that work and contribute to continued kingdom growth. We do that through partnerships with churches in other communities. Most of these partnerships will involve mission trip opportunities. We would love for you to be part of what God is doing in other states and towns.
Local mission work is an essential part of what makes a church healthy. Our community ought to feel our presence and know that we are here for them and not them here for us. We want to be a resource to our community. The goal of our local missions is to create gospel-sharing opportunities and to love our community so well that we become a vital part of who they are. These local mission partnerships mainly take place through our life groups.
Strong Tower Haiti - January 2024
Chiriqui, Panama - February 2024
Eastern Kentucky - June 2024
Concord Builders - Bethany, MO - July 2024
LOVE Thorpe Gordon Stem Academy - July 2024
Chiriqui, Panama - July 2024
Strong Tower Haiti- July 2024
Serving Local Schools