FSM (Freshwater Student Ministry)
FSM will meet offsite tonight from 5pm-8pm at Dwell Isringhausen's! All 6th-12th graders and their families are invited! There will be hot dogs, s'mores, yard games and an epic bonfire. Come for food, fellowship and fun!
Save the date! On Saturday, October 12th, we are going to have Freshwater Fellowship. Join us at Proctor Park in California for a time of fellowship, food, and games. The park has options for pickle ball, fishing, disc golf, playgrounds, and more. If your last name starts with A-K: bring a dessert to share; L-Z: bring a side to share. And everyone should bring your own drinks and chairs.
Coming up! Core class will be starting on September 25th and meet on Wednesday evenings from 5:45-6:45pm here at Freshwater. Make plans to join us as we learn about the Attributes of God. More details to come but mark your calendar now.
NextUp is changing times! If you are between the ages of 18-30, join us on Sunday mornings from 9:15-10:15am for life group Bible study. The men meet in the office and the women meet in the classroom across from the office.
Men's Prayer Breakfast is on Saturday, Sept 21 from 8:00-9:00am. Come and join us for food, fellowship, and prayer.