"...But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."
We are all on our journey...
Our discipleship journey is the process of becoming more like Christ. This is a journey we will be on for the rest of our lives. It begins with salvation, and then through obedience we are baptized. As a believer we join the local church and become partners, get involved in a community and begin to serve the church by using our gifts and talents. Everyone is somewhere on this journey. Salvation and baptism kick off your discipleship journey while partnership, groups, being on mission is where the discipleship begins to take root. Where we learn and grow into the image of Jesus. Find out where you are at on this journey and begin to walk faithfully with Christ.

A Journey of Surrender
Every journey starts here. It is the accepting of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. This is salvation that you were once dead to sin but have been made alive in Christ. Click HERE to find out more about Salvation.

A Journey of Obedience
Once you have come into a saving relationship with Jesus, baptism is the next step in your faith journey. We encourage all believers to be baptized as a public declaration of your commitment to Christ. Click HERE to learn more about baptism.

A Journey of Commitment
Part of the discipleship journey is plugging into the local church. A way to do this partnering with us. It is saying that you are committed to Freshwater and Freshwater is committed to you. To find our more about partnership click HERE.

A Journey of Community
An on going part of the discipleship journey is finding a community of believers. This is where Groups come in. Life is not meant to be in isolation, but rather with a community. Whether it is a life group, mens group, women's group, recovery group, or divorce care. We believe there is a group for everyone. Click HERE to find a community.

A Journey of Service
Using your gifts and talents for the Lord is a huge part of your discipleship journey. The Lord has gifted and blessed you with different talents and gift to be used for His kingdom. Find how you can use your gifts here at Freshwater by clicking HERE.

A Journey of Searching
Maybe you don't know where you are at on this journey we would love to help you navigate this. Maybe you have been coming to Freshwater for awhile and are ready to get plugged in, we want to help you get involved. Click HERE to let us know how we can help you.